Samozrejme, ze nemate sanci zjistit, jestli ten e-mail ti, kterym prisel, precetli, nicmene ta procenta uspesnosti jsou rekrutovana z tech, kteri e-mail dostali, precetli a kteri se posleze dostali tam, na co byl mail vlastne to stejne jako s klasickou banner kampani na online store. Muzete mit sice click-rate 20 procent, ale pokud si nikdo nic nekoupi, tak je vam to stejne k nicemu.... Jinak si prectete toto, treba to pomuze: What's the fine line between legitimate e-mail marketing and, well...spam? One of the most successful Internet marketing techniques that we often recommend to clients is to include a sign-up form on their web site to allow their visitors to register for an e-mail newsletter. Tenagra sends one out every two months or so, and it's both an extremely productive as well as inexpensive way to stay in the mind share of current and potential clients, along with other users of our web site. This technique is often called "opt-in e-mail marketing" because each person joining the mailing list "opts" to do so themselves. Mailing lists can be so successful that we sometimes suggest to our clients that they put at least as much attention into their newsletters as they do into their web site. But problems can develop when people cross the line from e-mail marketing into "spamming." There is no doubt that the spam situation is getting unmanageable, requiring that you must be extremely careful in how you build your e-mailing lists. I frequently receive 20 - 40 spam messages a day (among the 300 or so other e-mails I receive), and just sorting through it to read my real e-mail is a significant annoyance. Tenagra has a policy of never buying a product or service from companies that send out spam, and we urge you to use the same policy. An organization or individual that sends you spam demonstrates that they are not a reputable party to do business with. So what is spam? Mail classified in any of the following five categories: 1) Unsolicited advertisements distributed via e-mail (even if not mass e-mailed). 2) An unsolicited mass e-mailing (commercial or not). 3) An out-of-context mail list, newsgroup or forum posting. (For example, if ClickZ used this list to send you an ad for a sheep-shearing festival. It would be decidedly out of context, even though you signed up for this list.) 4) Using a mail list or newsgroup or forum in a manner that is outside of the volume or frequency that readers have signed up for. 5) Putting someone on a mailing list without their consent and requiring them to "opt-out." Spam often seems even worse when it comes from someone you know and into which you've placed your trust. But what about opt-out instructions? It doesn't matter if the sender tells the recipient how to get off the list -- it is still spam if sent in an opt-out manner. There are three main reasons why: 1) Many people feel uncomfortable responding to such unsubscribe instructions on a spam list, knowing that many spammers use unsubscribe requests simply as a signal to confirm that the recipient is reading the e-mail and should therefore be sent even more spam. 2) Some recipients have many e-mail aliases under different domain names, and won't know which one they have been involuntarily subscribed to the list under. 3) It is unfair to the recipient to for them to have to spend their time removing themselves from a mailing list that they never wanted to be on in the first place. Many people and businesses bill for their time, and making these people waste their most > However, each time they send out an e-mail to their list, those recipients that were subscribed involuntarily will think of the sender as rude for not having first asked them whether or not they wanted to be on the list. The sender has transformed their newsletter from an opportunity for them to reinforce their mindshare in a positive way into a negative experience. All because they were too lazy to simply ask if the recipient wanted to get onto their list in the first place. The bottom line is that if you want to add someone to your mailing list that has not subscribed themselves, you should always ask them first (with a polite message that is individually e-mailed) before adding them to your list. Most people that you have a business relationship with will respond if you offer them something of interest. But if they don't reply, then leave them off your list and leave your reputation intact! > -----Puvodní zpráva----- > Od: Tomas Krause [] > Odesláno: 18. ledna 2000 14:03 > Komu: > Predmet: Re: E-mailova reklama > > Dne 18. 1. 2000 Hosek Martin napsal: > > > > uspech. Jinak se placenym e-mail "spammem" zabyva uz rada spolecnosti > > > hlavne v USA a Canade. > > Myslite firmy, kde se zaregistrujete a pak dostavate maily a jeste nejakej > > ten cent za precteni? Tam bych o uspesnosti dost pochyboval, neni problem > nechat ty jejich maily padat do /dev/null/ > A i kdyby to bylo buhvijak osetrene, nikdo nezjisti, jestli jsem ten mail > otevrel a bez cteni hodil do kose. > S ceskym minitrhem tento princip moc sanci nema. > > Me jde spise o princip, ze si clovek objedna nejakou sluzbu (od programu > TV, az po zasilani jidelnicku z restaurace) a k teto zprave, kterou on > chtel, je pribalena kratka zminka o vyrobci xzy a jeho akcnich slevach na > abc. > > S pozdravem Tomas Krause > > --------------------------------------------------------------------- > --[ - ICQ:7828725 - ]-- > --[ - - ]-- > --------------------------------------------------------------------- > > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Archiv konference, navod k odhlaseni/prihlaseni:
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